Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Martial Arts free essay sample

Then those people will usually perform the stereotypically karate pose, the crane stance. But martial arts is not all about kicking, punching, screaming really loud, making unusual sounds or beating people up. Instead martial arts focuses on the well-being of people. Martial arts can be broken up into five very important terms; discipline, respect, confidence, self-esteem and belief. It teaches you so many things patience, discipline, anger management, responsibility, self-control. † Those five terms can also be called life skills and those life skills are what make up martial arts. Martial arts can help anyone to obtain more discipline to ensure them that they have structure in their lives, create good habits to carry with them forever and do things the first time told. â€Å"Discipline is a huge part of it. You have to learn to take constructive criticism and do what you are told. (Anniston Snider, source 9, page 2, paragraph 15. ) To have more respect for yourself and others. We will write a custom essay sample on Martial Arts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Gain the confidence, enough to speak in front of a group or people and lead a group. Self-esteem is the joy of being you, always finding the positive things in life and staying happy. And belief, if you don’t believe in yourself no one will believe in you. You can never reach your goals in life if you don’t have the yes I can attitude. Overall martial arts helps you become a stronger person physically and mentally because martial arts uses life skills as a vehicles to teach martial arts to help you become a more well-rounded person. Karate is a great tool to help in personal development. † Martial arts are for everyone no matter who you are or what age you are. It is a great activity to enroll children in and adults as well. The things you learn in martial arts are things that you will have with you for the rest of your life. That’s why martial arts many parents enroll their children into a martial arts program. â€Å"Having developed an interest in the sport’s combination of physical activity and discipline. Who doesn’t want to see their child to grow up and know how to make the right choice in life? Who doesn’t want to see their child have the confidence to speak in front of a group of people or even lead a group of people? Or maybe see their child answer with respect with yes sir, yes ma’am or yes mom, yes dad? These habits are habits that you will have for the rest of your life. â€Å"A teachable moment isn’t after the mistake but before. Do something the wrong way 10-15 times and it becomes a habitual behavior. They exhibited better balance and motor coordination, eye contact improved and play skills were further developed. Greater self-esteem was also reported, with the added bonus of these kids being able to defend themselves, if needed. † (University of Wisconsin, source 1, page 36, paragraph 1. ) Martial arts assist children on the autism spectrum because friend ships are formed around a shared activity and that sense of belonging can be the greatest reward of all for them. Martial arts also help children on the autism spectrum because the release of energy in a safe and ritualized environment can bring a child to a new sense of calm. Also martial arts assist children on the autism spectrum with the ability to concentrate and focus their attention in a consistent and highly structured environment. Additionally, parents find that new skills carry over in to home and at school. Spending time assessing each student to determine what is uniquely motivating for them. Remembering that it may be different than what motivates anyone else, and is definitely different than what motivates other students. For example sensory items, tearing paper, watching things move vs. social praise or time with friends. We then use those unique motivators to engage the student in the learning process. Important lesson of structured teaching is that individuals with autism learn best when they are interested and motivated. Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children (TEACCH) was developed in the early 1970’s by its founder, Eric Schopler, the Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children approach includes a focus on the person with autism and the development of a program around the person’s skills, interests, and needs. They observed people with autism and gained an understanding of their learning style and the characteristics that affected their learning and interactions. Based on their research and understanding of the characteristics of autism, Eric Schopler and others at Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children developed the concepts of â€Å"Structured teaching† as a way to help us organize the educational and home environment in a meaningful way for individuals with autism. People with autism have difficulty in focusing-over focus on details, misses the main idea or what is important now, both social and academically. They also have difficulty generalizing skills and knowledge, does not like change, wants things to remain the same and thrives with routines and structure. They do not change behavior to please others, not a flexible thinker, does not understand others views or choices available, easily struck. People with autism have literal understanding. Terms like you’re killing me, you crack me up, you are out of your mind, pull yourself together, if looks could kill, butter her up and computer bug are taken literal by them. Because of their degree of functionality and their naivete those with autism are often viewed as eccentric or odd and can easily become victims of teasing and bullying. Symptom’s of Asperger’s syndrome are markedly overactive, indicates needs by gestures, is not cuddly or does not like to be touched, easily upset by changes in routine, overly sensitive to loud sounds, lights or odors, fixated on one subject or object, physically awkward in sports. Social situations are extremely challenging, often unsuccessful, chooses to be alone, inappropriate topics, struggles to join and remain a part of a group. Children with Asperger’s syndrome have difficulty picking up nonverbal cues. Not all children with Asperger’s syndrome are alike. Just as each child with Asperger’s syndrome has his or her own personality, Asperger’s syndrome symptoms are manifested in ways specific to each individual. There are seven senses people have. Sensory system one is visual, the receptors are the eyes. Sensory system two is auditory, the receptor is the outer ear. Sensory system three is olfactory, the receptor is the nose. Sensory system four is gustatory, the receptor is the tongue. Sensory system five is tactile, the receptor is the skin. Sensory system six is proprioception, the receptor are muscles and joints. The last Sensory system is vestibular, the receptor is the inner ear. When children are in different moods it affects each of the seven senses. Children with ready to learn arousal. Vision: looks at the task in hand. Auditory: listens to directions effectively. Taste/smell: recognizes standard scent of materials. Tactile: touches all materials appropriately. Proprioception: uses body successfully to complete task. Vestibular: remains at own work station for entire task. For children with high arousal. Vision: frequently distracted by peers. Auditory: needs directions repeated. Taste/smell: driven to smell or licks all materials. Vestibular: constantly wandering away from work station. Proprioception: seems too rough with materials. Tactile: touches all materials and everyone else’s. To support children with high arousal. Vision: monochrome materials, position with back to the back. Auditory: slow clam tone. Taste/smell: juice box with narrow straw. Tactile: reduce variety of texture but increase volume, offer soft/silky. Proprioception: provide very resistive or even weighted materials, work against gravity. Vestibular: all materials positioned within reach, offer movement breaks that are calming. Children with low arousal. Vision: stares off into space. Auditory: needs directions repeated. Taste/smell: drools. Tactile: doesn’t explore materials. Proprioception: seems weak, can’t manage tools. Vestibular: doesn’t spontaneously move body to manage task. To support children with low arousal. Vision: bright contrasting colors, sit near the action. Auditory: vary intonation, loud. Taste/smell: several trips to the bubbler, scented materials. Tactile: add texture, change temperature. Proprioception: prepare for task with stretching. Vestibular: standing vs. sitting, position materials on floor. Meltdowns occur when the person is overwhelmed by the stimulation from; people, tasks, sensory input, emotions and environment. Meltdowns may include screaming, aggression, running away, panic attacks, severe withdrawal, or tantrums. During a meltdown no learning is happening. The main goal is to help the person regain self-control. Best is you can intervene before the meltdown occurs. Learn and look for signs that indicate person is becoming overwhelmed. The first time to do to manage a meltdown is to decrease stimulation/ increase personal space; stay calm and be supportive, decrease language and use visual supports. Physically intervene when safety is an issue, help the person get to a safe area to calm down if needed. You can prevent negative behaviors to be patient. Maintain visual supports, provide waiting time, and implement strategies. In lieu of conventional means of communicating, children with autism may develop idiosyncratic, unconventional, or inappropriate behaviors to communicate, such as self-injurious behaviors, aggression, or tantrums†. â€Å"Most children begin to pick up social and communication skills while they are still infants and toddlers. However, it is exactly this vast realm of communication and social understanding that typically escapes the person with autism. †(Jeanette McAfee, M. D. 2002, source 1, page 70, paragraph 1. ) Teach strategies using interests. When the strategy is understood, teaching a new skill that may be more challenging. Teach strategies using interests in calm relax environment. When the strategy is understood, teach a new skill that may be more challenging. Many individuals are still learning fundamental skills to be a part of a group. Skills that are needed for independences are to ask for help, ask for clarification, recognizing and understanding emotions, request a break, know when and how to take a break and utilize a schedule. Teaching the concept of time. Teach with a transition that is not difficult for the child. Teaching help involves teaching life skills, creating opportunities with low frustration, have visuals easily accessible, praise success in a manner that is rewarding to the person. Develop relationships with growth potential. Everyone has something to teach us, that don’t mean that everyone can teach us everything we want to learn. The people we associate with the most will rub off on us the most. Learning and growing is often the reward for spending time with remarkable people. Identifying people’s uniqueness and strength, we all have qualities and strengths that are part of our natural make-up. These areas will be the areas that we all learn and grow the most. We can surround ourselves with the people that have strengths that can complement our own. Whenever we meet someone new, we are exposed to new learning. It’s been said that we have one mouth and two ears because that way it is encourages us to listen twice as much as we talk. People don’t learn well people they don’t value. If you truly value people you’ll be able to learn from everyone; younger, older, more experienced, less experienced. If you have a teachable attitude, or are willing to adopt one, you will be well positioned to learn the most you can from others. Martial arts is a perfect atmosphere and environment for the development of leadership skills. It has a built in ranking system, as well as opportunities to earn titles and positions that empower people to leader others. Three areas that can immediately improve to increase our influence and improve our image as a leader is appearance, attitude, and actions. Always remember that the title and position doesn’t make the leader, the leader makes the title and position. People will always respect and admire the person far greater then they will respect and admire the title or position. You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want! † (Zig Ziglar, source 3, page 1 paragraph, 5) All us of can learn things in unlikely places, and from unlikely people. Everybody has something to share, or something to teach us. But, that is only true if we have the right attitude toward learning and people. Being arrogant is like saying no one can teach me. The reality is that no one is too old, too smart or too experienced to learn something new. The only thing that stops any of us from being able to constantly learn and improve, is a bad attitude. Being naive is saying someone can teach me everything. People who realize they have room to grow will often seek a mentor. That’s usually a good thing. But not to fall into the trap of thinking that one mentor can teach you everything. Being teachable is saying everyone can teach me something. The people who are the most teachable are mostly to learn the most. Every person has something to share, an observation, a lesson learned, a life experience. We just need to be willing to listen and learn. The way how you influence people will determine how many, how long and how effective you will become at influencing them. People feel they are not able to influence others because they don’t have an official title or position of leadership. Position and title does not make the leader, the leader makes the position or title. Our values and significance increases when we influence others at a time they need it most. Great leaders have a high level of sensory acuity. Great leaders can sense the teachable moments, breakthrough opportunities, and the catalyst times. Right motives are crucial to maintaining a high level of trust in the relationships you have with people. Wrong motives are a result of bad character.

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